7 Secrets to Cleaning Your Home in Half the Time

7 Secrets to Cleaning Your Home in Half the Time
No one wants to waste the time in cleaning as it is the most time-consuming task but here are some secrets that made cleaning simple and fast – the cleaning expert revealed the tips that help you to cut half of time in cleaning and spend plenty of time in an enjoyment of the life!

Have a system:
The first step towards fast cleaning of the home is to work with system i.e. you need to clean your home step by step in same order regularly – you need to clean the first room of the home, start and finish rather than wasting your time running back and forth. This is a pretty intelligent system to clean your home within half of time.

Clean top to bottom, Left to right:
You should need to clean the home in the sequence as dusting a ceiling fan from a top and then you should clean your floor at the bottom while removing dust from left to right that you cover the entire room instead of darting from place to place.

Keep proper tools at ready:
You should need to collect all the cleaning products for cleaning the home as this way helps you not to waste your time walking back and forth to cabinet under the sink – you should wear the apron, and fill your pockets with the carpenters tool belt and pour the water in small cleaners that remain easy to carry and save time.
7 Secrets to Cleaning Your Home in Half the Time

Cleaning stains:
You should need to clean the stains of your home as they are the most time-consuming task of the home, if you have candle wax stain then you need to put ice on the wax as it melts down the wax and remains easy to pick the dirt from the home.
If you have gravy spillages at home, you just need to use the simple detergent to remove the stains and rinse hot water to make it clear on the clothes or use the baking powder on the carpet to remove the gravy stain from hard surfaces.

Dust without spraying:
If you want to remove dust without spraying then you should need to use the feather dusters as it works great for cleaning blinds, pictures as you should carry the feather duster easily in the back pocket of your dress as duster remain a suitable option for routine dusting.
7 Secrets to Cleaning Your Home in Half the Time

Cut through kitchen grease:
Cleaning the kitchen is the most time-consuming task for the people and grease inevitably end up on kitchen cabinets, the simple idea is to clean your grease with detergent just like it clean the dishes and then rinse off with a different sponge and clear.

Clean your microwave:
The microwave is a most difficult one to clean the home as after baking it looks like a war zone, the simple idea is to heat the cup of water at the boiling point in the microwave oven as it creates the moisture and loosens up anything on top and sides and then wipe the surfaces clean.


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